Health and Readiness Optimization (HeRO)


HeRO uses a worksite wellness model to provide educational, behavioral, policy, and environmental evidence-based strategies to make healthier food choices, increase physical activity, optimize sleep, and live a tobacco free life – all things that can work towards a healthier more resilient Air Force.

Air Force wide, 65.2% of active duty Airmen are overweight/obese or underweight according to Body Mass Index goals, only 30.7% are consuming the recommended serving amounts of fruits and vegetables, and only 45.3% are getting the recommended seven hours or more of sleep per night (2018 HeRO Report). HeRO provides evidence-based strategies and interventions, and provides a framework to help improve these health-related behaviors impacting readiness.

HeRO strategies include:

  • Informational and educational strategies aimed at increasing knowledge through health education briefs with topics including Behaviors for a Healthy Lifestyle, Overcoming Sleep Difficulties, and Workout Nutrition
  • Health campaigns targeting sleep, tobacco use, and supplement use
  • Behavioral and social strategies to target the thoughts and social factors that affect behavior change through health challenges such as Soar into Health, cooking demonstrations, commissary tours, and taste testing
  • Policy and environmental approaches aimed at making healthy choices easier with updated policies focused on health and improvements made to the environment; such as improving access to healthy foods and increased opportunity for physical activity.

If you are interested in obtaining a HeRO Report for your unit contact Lana Fred at (520) 228-2294. The HeRO is an ideal program with goals and objectives. While every attempt is to deliver the program as directed we understand the unique nature of each unit’s mission and ops-tempo. The Health Promotion team can provide the tools for your unit with a flexible approach and options to improve your unit’s HeRO Report.